• 501D Mig Water Cooled Co2 Welding Torch Welding Gun
  • 501D Mig Water Cooled Co2 Welding Torch Welding Gun

501D Mig Water Cooled Co2 Welding Torch Welding Gun

Product origin:
Jinan ,China
Delivery time:
Normal 2 Weeks or Based on Order Quantity
Supply capacity:
10000 Pieces per Month
501D Mig Water Cooled Co2 Welding Torch Welding Gun

Main characteristics:
- Interchangeable with the best-known european brands.
- Standard supply contact tip of cucrzr.
- Tellurium copper tip holder.
- Ergonomic handle.
- Ball-and-socket joint connected to the outer liner for record-breaking manoeuvrability.
- Front and rear cable protection spring.

Twin sister of ERGOPLUS 400(the only difference is the Longer torch body),ERGOPLUS 500 is the most wide-spread

Water-cooled torch in the world.

co2 welding gun

501D mig torch

Water cooled welding torch

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